EcoTrek Epicenter

Your source for everything EcoTrek! EcoTreks are Adirondack adventures for teenagers who venture out from Baltimore Woods Nature Center (located near Syracuse, NY) on a journey to enjoy, understand, and protect our natural world.


Thanks To First EcoTrekkers Ever!!

What A Week!!
Our first EcoTrek group returned a little soggy, a little sore, but hopefully a little more wilderness savy too. The Adirondack Mountains threw all they had at this hardy group of teenagers, but also rewarded us all for persevering by providing beautiful views from the top of Dix Mt., the physical goal for the week. I believe the hardships we all had to overcome along the way only served to spur us on toward our mental and emotional goals as well. I learned how to be a better leader and steward of this earth's natural and human resources. I hope the EcoTrekkers can say they learned a lesson or two about the humbling power evident in nature, and how to be grateful for the simple comforts of home.

Unfortunately, due to the record rains we recieved as we headed into the wilderness, we didn't bring our digital camera with us :o( I know the memories of 12 wet people packed into an Adirondack lean-to, and the nearly perfect views the next day from the top of Dix Mt. will be captured by my minds eye better than any camera's images could. Hopefully these memories will also forever be in the minds of the first EcoTrekkers ever!

Special thanks to you guys and gals for your patience
and help, as well as the many lessons you taught
Jess and I as your EcoTrek Leaders. We hope you'll
be back next year for another ride in the Death Star!
Till then journey on...


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